What began in 2016 as a series of conversations in Pat the Dog’s Kitchener office centered around women’s stories has now morphed into something greater than we ever anticipated, far beyond the modest roots visioned by Pat the Dog and Sonderlust Collective to encourage local women to tell their stories.  Now, in 2019, we have found that women from all over have reached out to us to model, even mentor, how to make a Women’s Room happen in their own community. This desire has taken us beyond our borders to an International Collaboration with the Lyth Arts Centre in North Scotland (www.lytharts.org.uk) who are now creating their own Women’s Room North assisted by the New Conversation program. Many thanks to the British Council, Canadian High Commission (UK) and Farnham-Maltings for making this a reality. This year we will be travelling to Scotland for in-person collaboration, and the beautiful folk of Lyth Arts Centre will come visit us.


We realize that the power of the Women’s Room is much greater than first imagined when we gathered at our little table in Edna’s micro-performance space in Kitchener. We also realize the power and import of gathering at that little table.


There is an urgent need for women to gather:  To prod, promote, encourage, build craft, and support each other as we carve out an equitable space on our national stages to tell our stories.  This is what the Women’s Room fiercely and lovingly is all about.  We do not own the Women’s Room.  The Women’s Room belongs to all women storytellers who seek to gather to tell their tales and tell them well.


The Women’s Room is an active space. One that we would love to see grow in other communities.  All it takes is desire, and a place to meet. If you want to make this happen in your community, contact us and we’ll help you get started.